Inside Out
Body Harmony
Massage Therapy and Wellness Promotion

Trigger Point
Therapy (TPT)
Trigger point therapy focuses on the release of tension around specific nerve centers found throughout your body. TPT involves the applied pressure to these painful, sensitive areas in order to alleviate the pain. It is great for relieving cramped and overused muscles.
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When it comes to picking a massage therapist, you want someone who cares and knows what is going to help you the most. You deserve the best quality massage out there and a therapist that listens to your concerns. My approach stems from what you need at the moment and can be modified to best fit your needs and wants.
Which Therapy is best for your needs?

When it comes to picking the right massage modality for you, consider how you are feeling today and what massage style has worked for you in the past. All of the modalities offered will be modified to fit your needs during your session. Below are some examples of the outcomes of the different techniques.